You may be surprised to find out that, aside from our regular customers, we also have internal customers...our coworkers! You may be even more surprised to hear that these internal customers are even more important than our regular customers. Being a great coworker (or, providing amazing internal customer service) may seem simple enough but the fact is that it can be a tricky and complex thing to learn. In this workshop you will learn why it is so important to develop the skills of a great coworker and about the four key categories of great internal customer service and you will learn many techniques that you can apply in your daily interactions with your coworkers.
Learning Outcomes:
You will understand, and be able to explain to others, what internal customer service is and why it is so important.
You will know the four main skills that are needed to provide great internal customer service and have the tools you need to develop these skills.
You will learn about the Internal Customer Service Standards that were created by the Mansfield/Richland County Public Library staff, and be able to take these back to your library as an example for creating your own.
Mary Frankenfield has worked in the Mansfield/Richland County Public Library system for more than 20 years. During her time at MRCPL, Mary has worked as a page, a clerk, a children's librarian, and a branch manager. She has been in her current position as Deputy Director for a little over five years. Among her many other duties, Mary has an active role in employee training and development and has presented workshops for NEO-RLS, OLC, and the MRCPL staff.