Northeast Ohio Regional Library System

Northeast Ohio Regional Library System - Event Information

Event Name:
Leadership Academy


NEO-RLS Introduces the 2022-2023 Leadership Academy
What does it mean to be a leader and how do the skills needed differ from those needed to be a good manager?  Many people struggle with how to leave behind former priorities and mindsets when they enter a leadership role.  Learning how to balance implementation with vision, connect with others in order to achieve goals, become an effective decision-maker and develop others are all important skills that help build alignment with direct reports and across an organization.  The Leadership Academy will focus on enhancing the skills you already have and building new ones in order to assist you in developing a vision of how you can confidently move into the future as a leader.
  • The Academy is a blended course which runs from March through November and consists of 4 face-to-face workshops and 4 webinars
  • We recommend that you attend the Academy in its entirety in order to maximize your learning
  • Archives of live webinars will be available at your convenience for those attending the Academy in its entirety and experiencing a scheduling conflict
  • Live webinars will be available individually for registration for those NOT attending the Academy in its entirety
Session 1
Thursday, October 20, 2022 - Twinsburg Public Library
9:30 am - 4:00 pm

Leading With Your Strengths (Morning Session)
We intuitively understand that strengths are something we’re good at, something that takes less effort than things in which we don’t excel.  Strengths, however, are more than what we do well.  Strengths also energize us.  Leading with Your Strengths focuses on identifying team members’ strengths and encourages them to use them in a way that benefits everyone.

Learning Objectives:
  • Understanding Strengths and Weaknesses
  • Assessing your Signature Strengths
  • Applying This to Your Work
Emotional Intelligence (Afternoon Session)
“Research from Harvard Business School demonstrated that EQ counts for twice as much as IQ and Technical Skills in determining who will be successful!”
This session will introduce participants to the concepts of Emotional Intelligence (self-awareness, self-management, social awareness and relationship management) and arm them with the understanding and tools to help them be more effective in the workplace.  Participants will explore each of the 4 components with interactive exercises and discussion.

Learning Objectives:
  • Identify the benefits of Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
  • Learn the four core skills of EQ
  • Manage and adapt emotional behaviors for greater effectiveness in the workplace

Marti Peden is the owner and principal of Peden & Associates, a training and consulting company based in Akron, Ohio.  For more than 30 years, she has been a trainer, facilitator, speaker and organizational development professional.  She specializes in conflict resolution, managing change, strategic planning, team building and positive approaches to life’s challenges. 
For over 25 years, Marti has worked with numerous libraries as a speaker, facilitator and strategic planning consultant.  She has worked with many of the libraries within the NEO-RLS regional library system as well as facilitating staff days for various public libraries.  She presented at the 2013 ALA convention in Chicago, IL and the 2014 PLA convention in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Marti holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from The University of Steubenville and a Master’s of Education Degree from Kent State University.  She is an annual presenter for executive leadership programs such as the John Glenn College of Public Affairs at The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio and the Executive Education Program at the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Indiana.


Ellen Shafer has had a diverse career involving many facets of talent and organizational development. Prior to starting Canterbury Coaching and Consulting, her professional portfolio included working for an employee assistance program, creating and managing customized training programs and conducting employee assessments for a northeast Ohio community college. Most recently, Ellen served as the manager of the Leadership Development Center at Lorain County Community College.

Ellen is a skilled facilitator with over 30 years of experience in talent and organizational development and in working with people as a trainer, mentor, seminar leader and coach. As a leadership and performance coach she specializes in the areas of performance challenges, transition, people skills, emotional intelligence and leadership.

Session 2
Thursday, November 17, 2022 at 10:00 am From Your Desktop
From Peer to Leader

Congratulations you've been promoted in your library!  What an exciting time - until you realize that you are now in charge of your peers.  Navigating the potentially rocky terrain of becoming a supervisor to your former peers can be stressful for all involved, but there are ways to ease the transition.  Learn how to build a foundation with your co-workers, tips to start in a positive way, and how to strive to be an effective leader for all of your staff.  Bring your questions.

Cheryl Kuonen, Director, Mentor Public Library

Session 3
Wednesday, December 7, 2022 at 10:00 am From Your Desktop
Good Leaders, Bad Decisions

Good decisions do not happen by chance. They are the result of a step-by-step decision-making process that includes understanding the effect of emotional and situational influences. This interactive one-hour webinar will help participants assess their dominant decision-making style and identify factors that can hinder effective decision making.

Learning Objectives:

  • · Assess decision-making style
  • · Explore emotional triggers that affect decisions
  • · Discuss situational decision-making
  • · Learn an easy step-by-step process for making decisions
Barbara Baker is a Commissioner with the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS) in Independence, Ohio. As a Federal Mediator, she assists parties in collective bargaining negotiations and mediates labor and employment disputes in the private, public and federal sectors. In addition, Ms. Baker trains labor advocates and management in collective bargaining including bargaining processes, contract administration, steward/supervisor training and developing effective labor management committees. She also provides training in communication skills such as conflict resolution, active listening and communication dynamics. Ms. Baker facilitates person to person dialogues as well as group discussions to promote strong workplace relationships.

Session 4
Delegating Made Easy
Wednesday, January 18, 2023 at 10:00 am From Your Desktop

You know you should. You wish you could. But delegation has never been your strong suit. Take heart! This is definitely an area you can improve in – it just takes knowing yourself, knowing your employees, and knowing how to put that knowledge to work for you!

In this session, you’ll learn specific tips to help you delegate more effectively – not just more – and you’ll also discover why doing so is important to your success as a supervisor.

We’ll uncover some important questions to consider when you finally make that leap to delegating on a consistent basis. We’ll also look at not just whether or not a task should be delegated, but also to whom – and how to make sure the delegation process is successful.

Learning objectives:

  • Common obstacles to delegating effectively
  • The key ingredients to an effective delegation process
  • Specific tips to ensure the delegation is successful

Linda Bruno has been developing and conducting training workshops for libraries and other organizations for more than fifteen years. She offers workshops on topics ranging from Leadership Skills to Emotional Intelligence – and lots of areas in between!  Linda received her MBA from the University of Florida and has years of experience in hands-on management positions.  She develops her workshops based on solid research and – more importantly – real-life application.

Session 5
Date February 8, 2023  at 10:00 am From Your Desktop
Strategic Leadership

Learning objectives:
  • Participants will learn the difference between strategy and leadership skills vs operations and management skills, and will understand the importance of weaving these critical skills together.
  • Participants will learn several integral tools for infusing their management style with strategic thinking.
  • Participants will discuss trends emanating from the pandemic and discuss potential impacts on future library operations

Paula Miller has served as Director/Administrator in four states –Baltimore County Public Library and Eastern Shore Regional Library (both MD), Pikes Peak Library District (CO), Westlake Porter Public Library (OH), and Dover Public Library (DE). Most recently, she molded BCPL’s role as a community hub and instrument of democracy, and she oversaw the development and opening of award-winning and state-of-the-art Library 21c in Colorado Springs. Enamored by libraries since her first shelving job at age 16 at Kent Free Library, she believes our public libraries are critical community resources that bring people together and that serve as bridges to opportunities in individuals’ lives. She is focused on identifying new and emerging needs, roles, and connections that keep our libraries relevant and effective.

Session 6
Thursday, March 30, 2023 - Location TBA
9:30 am - 4:00 pm
Peer to Peer Coaching (Morning Session)

In this session, participants will learn how to use a powerful tool to mutually problem-solve challenging issues. The method is built on respect for different points of view and getting to the core issue before implementing a solution. Participants will have opportunities to practice the method on actual problems and design how they will replicate this approach going forward.

Learning Objectives:
  • Learn and be able to apply a peer coaching tool used for group problem solving
  • Explore the impact of questioning techniques in the peer coaching tool and other coaching models
  • Gain additional perspectives through practice
Culture by Design (Afternoon Session)

What is your organization’s culture? It’s hard to quantify, but it might be the single most important factor in determining your organization’s success. If you don’t get the right people, your business is going to suffer. The best definition of culture I’ve seen so far is the set of shared attitudes, values, goals and practices that characterize an institution or organization. It’s that feeling you get when you walk through the front door or interact with the staff.

So how exactly do you build a sense of culture within your staff that remains strong even when hours become long and frustrations become high?

There is no easy answer. Creating a positive organizational culture requires hard work, introspection and follow-through. This is one area where managers and senior leaders cannot delegate. Culture always starts with the senior executive and key leaders. You have to look in the mirror and be honest with yourself.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify an eight step framework and prepare a plan to design your organization’s culture
  • Recognize the values and behaviors of the culture you are seeking to create
  • Discuss the rituals that will sustain the desired behaviors and how to make the culture visible throughout the work environment

Ellen Shafer has had a diverse career involving many facets of talent and organizational development. Prior to starting Canterbury Coaching and Consulting, her professional portfolio included working for an employee assistance program, creating and managing customized training programs and conducting employee assessments for a northeast Ohio community college. Most recently, Ellen served as the manager of the Leadership Development Center at Lorain County Community College.

Amy B. Shannon, President, Pinnacle Leadership Solutions, LLC, and a Partner in Your Partner in HR has specialized in Organizational Development, Human Resources and Training for over 25 years. For the past 13 years, Amy has been an Organizational Development consultant working with clients in manufacturing, service, financial and healthcare industries. Most recently, Amy served as the Executive Director II/Vice President of Corporate College where she built robust leadership training curriculum to serve her clients.  Amy also holds certifications with numerous nationally known training vendors. She is a regular speaker at national conferences such as The Corporate University Week at the Disney Institute. She is a seasoned speaker for the HR Star Conference Cleveland. As a result of her high ratings, she has also been a key speaker at the HR Star Atlanta and received the Gold Medal Award three years in a row for best session speaker. Amy was a recipient of the 2015 HR Awards presented by ERC & CSHRM.

Session 7
Thursday, April 20, 2023 - Location TBA
9:30 am - 3:30 pm

Achieving Leadership Effectiveness: The Power of Influence

Learning Objectives:

  • Define the elements, background, and benefits of an influential leadership style
  • Review key actions for building leadership effectiveness with influential style
  • Develop plans and strategies for achieving maximum employee motivation
  • Explain how to use the principles of influential leadership to build teamwork and collaboration
  • Develop strategies for creating a culture of shared leadership


David Hyslop, Professor of Business Education, Bowling Green State University.  David served as consultant to approximately 200 industrial, service, and nonprofit organizations during past 30 years.  He has also conducted over 200 workshops covering the following topics:
Building leadership and supervisory effectiveness skills; developing problem-solving and decision-making skills; enhancing human relations skills; improving employee motivation; establishing effective performance appraisal techniques; planning and implementing quality improvements; creating strategies for effective communication; developing techniques for creating productive teams; developing leadership through coaching and mentoring; designed and implemented 360 leadership assessments for 20 organizations.

Session 8
Thursday, May 18,2023 - Location TBA
9:30 am - 3:30 pm

All Leaders Don’t Have Titles  (Morning Session)

The morning's workshop is designed to develop the participants' leadership skills as follows:

  • Participants will obtain an in-depth understanding of leadership: listening, learning, and leading
  • Participants will understand the importance of developing leadership competencies 
  • Participants will participate in group activities and discuss an article by Lolly Daskal, Why You Should Stop Being a Boss and Start Being a Leader
  • Participants will learn effective leadership skills that they can implement immediately

To enhance learning and establish a baseline for individual development needs, participants will engage in group leadership activities based on their library system's leadership competencies.

Amy B. Shannon, President, Pinnacle Leadership Solutions, LLC, and a Partner in Your Partner in HR has specialized in Organizational Development, Human Resources and Training for over 25 years. For the past 13 years, Amy has been an Organizational Development consultant working with clients in manufacturing, service, financial and healthcare industries. Most recently, Amy served as the Executive Director II/Vice President of Corporate College where she built robust leadership training curriculum to serve her clients.  Amy also holds certifications with numerous nationally known training vendors. She is a regular speaker at national conferences such as The Corporate University Week at the Disney Institute. She is a seasoned speaker for the HR Star Conference Cleveland. As a result of her high ratings, she has also been a key speaker at the HR Star Atlanta and received the Gold Medal Award three years in a row for best session speaker. Amy was a recipient of the 2015 HR Awards presented by ERC & CSHRM.

The Importance of Mentoring (Afternoon Session)

Learning Objectives:

  • Discover the difference between coaching, counseling, and mentoring
  • Understand the heart and rhythm of coaching conversations and practice with scenario-based learning exercises
  • Identify qualities for being an effective mentor and mentee
Presenter:  TBA

Event Date:

Event Time:
9:30 AM - 4:00 PM Eastern

Twinsburg Public Library
10050 Ravenna Rd.
Twinsburg, OH 44087

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Contact Person:

Who should attend:  Current Managers and those that aspire to be leaders
Competency:  Leadership

Non-Member Cost:      $800
NEO-RLS Bronze Member:   $576
NEO-RLS Silver Member Cost:  $320
NEO-RLS Gold Member Cost:    FREE
NEO-RLS Individual Membership Cost:  $400

In addition, a $80 charge is added for refreshments and lunch for four face to face events.
Lunh is included in all in-person sesions.
This event is supported by the State Library of Ohio with federal funds from the Institute of Museum and Library Services.

It's never too late to save your library money. NEO-RLS Memberships are pro-rated! Call us today to join.


Event Registration:
This class was a popular class and it is full.  Please email Melissa Lattanzi,  to be put on a waiting list and an additional class may be added for the future.

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