Northeast Ohio Regional Library System - Event Information
Event Name:
Cataloging Unusual Items
Has anyone ever asked you to catalog a bicycle? Libraries have been adding more and more non-book materials to our catalogs: models, tools, toys… even ukuleles. This session will discuss content versus carrier for non-books, then walk through the most important descriptive data for any format. Build the confidence to catalog all your weirdest stuff!
Learning Objectives:
Identify content versus carrier fields in RDA MARC21 bib records
Include crucial descriptions to maximize searchability
Use a “weird stuff” template as a starting point in future cataloging
Presenter: Misty Alvaro is the Materials Manager for Columbus Metropolitan Library, in charge of all cataloging and processing operations. They have worked in public, academic, and special libraries; in all functional areas from circulation and public services librarianship to special collections cataloging and management.