Northeast Ohio Regional Library System - Event Information
Event Name:
Practical Strategies for Time Management
Personal Organization
Being short on resources seems to be "the new normal" for libraries— and having too little money and too few staff members always leads to the same predicament: not enough time. While it is not possible to create more time, making use of time management tools can help you to make improvements in your productivity—while also decreasing stress and frustration and increasing satisfaction and well-being.
Learning Objectives:
Assess your personal opportunities and focus areas for time management changes
Identify 5-7 specific time management tools and techniques that can be adapted to a variety of tasks and roles
Make plans to immediately improve your time management (and how you feel at work)
Presenter: Brenda Hough is a librarian, writer, and learning professional with 25 years of professional experience working in and supporting libraries by providing training and consulting services. She is the author of Crash Course in Time Management for Library Staff and the co-editor of WebJunction’s Competency Index for the Library Field. She is an adjunct instructor for Emporia State University (KS). She has worked on projects for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, WebJunction, the Public Library Association, Infopeople, California Libraries Learn (CALL), the State Library of Arizona, the State Library of Oregon, the Northeast Kansas Library System, and more. She is the owner of EluciDare Learning.