You've created your library's MakerSpace, now how do you build a consistent user-base? And how do you do it when people cannot access that space for a while? We'll share how we built and kept MakerSpace momentum by establishing well-attended classes and fostering community support and partnerships.
Learning Objectives:
Missy Littell is the Customer Experience Manager at the Cuyahoga Falls Library. With over 20 years of experience in public libraries, she is a MakerSpace creator and advocate and offers training to staff and patrons on how to use and make the most of MakerSpace equipment. Connecting people to resources and tech that enriches lives is her passion.
Carolanne Tkach is the Guiding Ohio Online Tech Assistant at the Cuyahoga Falls Library and has been working in the MakerSpace field for over 12 years. She trains staff and patrons, brings new technology to the library and is a maker enthusiast. Carolanne loves to create those "aha" moments for people in one-on-one trainings and classes.