This class was a popular class and it is full. Please email Melissa Lattanzi, to be put on a waiting list and an additional class may be added for the future.
We all know weeding is necessary to maintain up-to-date and useful collections but it can be difficult sometimes to decide what should stay and what should go. The COVID-19 lockdown period also skewed our circulation statistics so it isn’t as easy to spot the “shelf-sitters.” This workshop goes over specific criteria for weeding Nonfiction, Fiction, Children’s, and Teen materials and provides practical tips for assessing “problem” areas like classics, award books, and graphic novels.
After attending this workshop participants should be able to:
Recognize and overcome barriers to weeding
Apply objective guidelines and criteria when weeding print and nonprint materials
Use statistical evidence to support and justify weeding decisions
Explain to coworkers and library administration why weeding is important in maintaining a healthy collection
Belinda Boon is a Professor at Kent State University’s School of Information where she has taught since 2006. Her graduate and undergraduate courses include Collection Management, Information Services for Diverse Populations, Information Sources & Reference Services, and Information Fluency in the Workplace and Beyond.
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