2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Event Description
Geographic Member/Other Cost: $50
Full/CE Member Cost: $25 Do you suffer from information overload? Emails, webinars, listservs, blogs, enews, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook can cause us to short circuit. Learn about your choices for filtering and organizing digital information to increase efficiency and reduce stress (without getting overwhelmed by technical jargon). Location
Via Adobe Connect Contact Person
Melissa Lattanzi
(phone: 330-655-0531) Details
Gain awareness of commonly used technologies for learning and communication, and learn how to use technology more effectively as a tool to research, organize, and evaluate information. You’ll also learn strategies that will help in your ongoing professional development and lifelong learning.
Competency: Core Web Technologies Sub-Category: Manages the development of one’s own learning and ongoing improvement of skills and knowledge Presenter: Crystal Schimpf Crystal Schimpf is a librarian and a trainer, with a passion for digital literacy and technology issues. As co-founder of Kixal, she provides collaborative, transformative training for libraries. She has provided training for the Urban Libraries Council’s Edge Initiative, the Public Library Association, the Colorado State Library, and Community Technology Network. Tell a Friend
Event Documents/Images
Too Much Information! Managing Digital Overload E-Learning |