During the pandemic lock-down (followed by the NE Ohio winter) many people noticed a shift in their personal and professional habits: some for the better, some for the worse. Harnessing the better habits and nixing the unwelcome habits requires an understanding of the science of habits, awareness of the foundational habits, and the tools to evaluate your habits. Join Dr. Tamsin Astor, Chief Habit Scientist, International Speaker & Author for a deep dive into habits, so you can create and maintain the right habits for your life!
Learning Objectives:
- Understand the science of habit formation
- Learn about the 5 foundational habits for success
- Learn how to evaluate your habits
Tamsin Astor, PhD is the founder and Chief Habit Scientist of Yoga Brained Coaching. She is known for giving her clients the tools to shift their mindset, organize their vision, and improve their habits to create an efficient, productive business. We make 35,000 decisions every day, which leads to decision fatigue. Dr. Astor helps her clients reduce the amount of overwhelming decision-making they do by harnessing their goal-achieving machine – AKA – their brains. This also increases their time and energy for fun!
Tamsin Astor holds a PhD in neuroscience and psychology and a post-doctorate in education. She also has certifications in yoga (RYT500, Yoga Ed.), mindset & Ayurveda (Living Ayurveda, Yoga Health Coach). She is an executive coach and author of the book Force of Habit: Unleash Your Power by Developing Great Habits.