Almost everyone has more to do than they can get to in any one day. When you become a manager/supervisor you generally inherit even more things to do in even less time. Poor personal time management skills take a toll on us as individuals and on our co-workers. Understanding how to effectively manage time will allow you to survive with less stress, accomplish your goals more easily, make quality and timely decisions and provide a work culture in which your co-workers can prosper as well.
Learning objectives:
Valuing your own time
Setting realistic priorities
Delegating tasks effectively
Recognizing and avoiding time wasters
Taking Action
Practical Tools
Andrew Sanderbeck has been developing and conducting training seminars for libraries and library organizations for more than ten years. He has presented Web-based, On-line, and Face-to-Face sessions on Management and Leadership, Customer Service and Communication Skills in the U.S. and numerous countries around the world. He is the founder of the People Connect Institute Webinars.