Offensive terminology and biased classification structures can negatively impact the relationship between a library and its users. Change in these systems seems to move at a glacial pace, and the revision process can seem complex and opaque. Attend this session to learn about the Cataloging Lab, a wiki where everyday heroes (like you!) can collaborate to craft proposals for changes or additions to Library of Congress Subject Headings. Non-catalogers are especially welcome! If you care about the words that libraries use to describe people and ideas, please join the efforts to make the words we use in library catalogs fair, just, and welcoming to all.
Learning objectives:
Recognize the impact that offensive terminology in catalogs can have on relations between libraries and patrons
Learn about the Library of Congress Subject Heading proposal process and the criteria used to judge proposals
Understand how they can use the Cataloging Lab to propose revisions to LCSH
Violet Fox is a library metadata expert and former cataloger. Her research interests include the ethical implications of library classification.