Applications for public libraries to host a Guiding Ohio Online Technology Trainer are due March 20, 2023. Guiding Ohio Online is a State Library LSTA funded program created to assist libraries serving rural populations. Guiding Ohio Online Technology Trainers help Ohioans develop the skills needed to fully participate in the digital age.
Trainers will serve in selected libraries during the program year, July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024. Application questions and Proposed Budget forms for Guiding Ohio Online can be found here. Click the apply tab to complete the application.
The ability to navigate the online environment and develop digital literacy are skills that are more important now than ever. Ohio libraries remain in a unique position to meet these needs in communities across the state. Guiding Ohio Online is a great opportunity for public libraries to provide more technology programming, outreach, and services with federal grant funds.
State Library staff recorded an informational webinar on the Guiding Ohio Online application process that can be viewed here. Whether you’re a current Guiding Ohio Online library or considering joining the program for the first time, the webinar explains the program in general, how it works, how it’s funded, the reporting required, and how to apply.
If you have any questions regarding the funding or budget of Guiding Ohio Online, please contact the LSTA Office at or by calling 800-686-1532 or 614-644-6863.